Monday, November 15, 2010

Revealing Public-Health Hazards: The Case of Tobacco

The rise, fall, and the deadly persistence of the tobacco industry in US are a complex combination of selfish career goals of scientist, conflict of interest in the research community and manipulation of the scientific results. All these factors were intervention in the making of science.

The sophistry of the Tobacco Industry Research Committee, TIRC, became apparent when they seemingly exploited popular misconceptions about scientific procedure, causation and evidence, and catering to the understandable desire of millions of smokers for easy reassurance. The burden of the TIRC case rested upon a challenge to the scientists to demonstrate "conclusively" (i.e. to "prove") a necessary "causal connection" between cigarette smoking and lung cancer and other diseases.

A blow to the Tobacco industry was the 1954 publication of the results of a British Doctors Study, led by Richard Doll and Austin Bradford Hill, which lent very strong statistical support to the suspicion that tobacco smoking was linked to lung cancer. TIRC again played their sophistical card by asking for lab work to justify these epidemiological results.  

In 1961 ALA (American Lung Association) and AHA (American Health Association) proposed President Kennedy to appoint commission to investigate the tobacco industry case. This committee was marked as no biased, full range of experts and no single discipline dominant. In 1964, committee’s report confirmed worst fear: smoking could cause lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, coronary artery disease. TIRC tried to influence committee members and continued their argument of “casual link mathematical aberration”. But ultimately all their influence s wore thin. The results of the committee lead to the government’s report which was most significant crisis for tobacco industry since 1953 (TIRC). This report and the scientific discoveries about the nicotine as an addictive ingredient in cigarettes led to assertive new authority and responsibility for the most important health issues of our time. The government established new authority for science and health   in the consumer culture. Inherent in the report were powerful notions and strong regulations which led to the federal monitoring of the tobacco industry.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Challenger Space Shuttle lauch failure

The concept of space shuttle as an economical access to space was hovering in the mind of scientist, engineers and bureaucrat from the early stages of space program. In February, 1967, the President's Science Advisory Committee lent weight to the idea of a reusable spacecraft by recommending that studies be made "of more economical ferrying systems, presumably involving partial or total recovery and use."
In August, 1972, NASA awarded a contract to Rockwell International Corporation's Space Transportation Systems Division for design and development of the Space Shuttle Orbiter. Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace was assigned development and fabrication of the External Tank, Morton Thiokol Corporation was awarded the contract for the Solid Rocket Boosters, and Rocketdyne, a division of Rockwell, was selected to develop the Orbiter main engines [1].
By early 1981, Challenger was ready for a first orbital flight program. After completing the four orbital test programs in mid- 1983, NASA began the “operational phase” for orbiter Challenger.
Challenger completed nine missions before breaking apart 73 seconds after the launch of its tenth mission, on January 28, 1986 at 11:38:00 a.m. EST, resulting in the death of seven crew members. The news grieved millions who witnessed the tragedy and in early February, President Reagan created a commission, headed by former Attorney General William P. Rogers, to investigate the disaster. “Roger Commission” as it was called was to submit a report to the President that established the probable causes of the technical failure. Unraveling the history of decision making and the conversations between Marshall and Thiokol about the SRB’s (Solid Rocket Boosters), the Commission concluded that the reasons for the Challenger launch failure were: production pressures and management wrongdoing.
In my opinion the Commission did justice by giving a holistic picture that lead to the launch failure. Production pressure consisted of competition and scarce resources. Due to the scare resources NASA made a deal with military. NASA would design the shuttle to meet military requirements; in return the Air Force agreed not to develop any new launch vehicles of its own and endorse the Shuttle Program to the White House and Congress. NASA compromised as the military goals were added to NASA’s original goals of excellence in space science. To make matter worse, OMB’s (the Office of Management and Budget) restricted their funds which meant that NASA could not develop the shuttle it had been planning. The allocation of funds was half of what NASA had requested. There was definitely a trade-off in the design and quality of the shuttle. The Commission reported the O-rings as the technical cause of the tragedy. There were enough evidence from the flight data, the debris of the Challenger and films suggesting that the O-rings in the aft field joint of the right SRB did not work correctly. The other important factor to contribute to the failure was the managerial pressure. NASA managers were subjected to extraordinary pressure to launch the Challenger. These managers were not oblivious to the risk involved; they were engineers and understood thoroughly both the technical and managerial issues involved. They knowingly violated safety requirements, risking lives to the interest of securing resources for their organization’s well being. Pressure from press and government became central to the conventional explanation of the tragedy.
“Man will continue his conquest of space. To reach out for new goals and ever greater achievements -- that is the way we shall commemorate our seven Challenger heroes.” President Ronald Reagan.
[1] Report of the PRESIDENTIAL COMMISSION on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment

Personal Statement:

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment is a classic example of racism in American life that overflowed into the American medicine. Forty years of conducting a study of the effects of syphilis on black men in Macon County, Alabama, was a story that gained public attention in 1972. It was not a secretive study unlike the Human Radiation Experiments but equally immoral. The findings of the Tuskegee study were published in famous medical journals and openly discussed in conferences. To the surprise no one in the scientific community questioned the methodology undertaken in this study. The study has raised a host of ethical issues and has very important lessons to learn for the scientist in this generation. 

It can be justly critiqued by breaking it into two eras: pre and post penicillin. In 1946 penicillin was discovered as a wonder drug that had a cure for syphilis. Within months it was in mass production throughout America.

Pre-penicillin period is from 1932 to about late 1940’s. The study started in 1932 as a cooperative project having PHS, department of Public Health Services, as a primary investigator. They targeted poor neighborhood of Alabama where people were socially and medically disadvantaged. The seemly “government doctors” enticed the ignorant black people by offering free physical examination. Like wolves in sheep’s clothing these doctors used 399 (and more) people without their consent in a deadly serious experiment. The syphilitic patients who were considered as subjects in the experiment and were denied treatment. The Scientists in favor of the study during this period contend that the contemporary treatments had more potential harm for the patients than potential benefits. This argument does not discredit the immorality committed by withholding the best available treatment for a particularly cruel disease. Even today patients suffering from cancer are treated with chemo-therapy which has equally toxic effects on the patient’s body. 

Post-penicillin period is from late 1940’s to 1972. Everyone knew the efficacy of penicillin but still the doctors kept the “subjects” from getting the treatment. The denial of penicillin treatment was the most critical moral issue about this experiment. It compounded on the previous immorality committed in the pre-penicillin period.


The moral astigmatism of the study was fueled by racism, social class hierarchy, scientific and bureaucratic inertia. The ultimate lesson to learn is “moral judgment should be a part of any human endeavor” and scientific investigators are no exception.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

'Relish life with the spouse you love, each and every day.' Ecclesiastes 9:9

Excerpts from UCB's Word for Today.

Rule 1:

We all recognize that if we want to become healthier, fitter or stronger in the future, we have to put the hard graft in now.

We have to be disciplined and train hard, follow an eating plan and a training programme, and get the support and encouragement we need if we're going to achieve those kinds of things. However much we might wish it, we won't just wake up one morning and find we've lost two stone after following a diet of junk food.

So why is it that when it comes to relationships, we think we can do what we want? The world tells us we can snog as many potential suitors as we like, sleep with anyone with a pulse - male or female. 'You don't have to be faithful, not while you're young.' 'Experiment - it won't harm you.' You think?

If we don't practice being a loyal, faithful, loving partner now, we won't suddenly turn into one the day we decide to walk down the aisle. Start practicing today who you want to be in the future so when the time comes you will be able to 'Relish life with the spouse you love, each and every day.'

Rule 2:

OK, so you may not be married quite yet - may not even be thinking about it - but one day you might. But before we get there, God can still teach us something for today from this verse: 'Relish life with the spouse you love, each and every day'. Wow, get that! God doesn't just want us to enjoy good relationships, He wants us to have relationships we can relish - where we're totally loving every minute. God really does want you to have great friends, build great relationships, the kind that make you smile and make your life easier to handle!
So if your life is a little low on the friendship front today, pray. Ask God for some great relationships, knowing that's exactly what He wants for you too. Ask Him for help in finding the right friends and choosing the ones that will build you up, not drag you down. God promises, 'I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you' (Ps. 32:8 NLT).

And while you're at it, if you're hoping one day to be married, why not start praying now for the your future husband or wife. Talk to God about it, knowing He cares about this too. Ask Him to help you now to grow into the best wife or husband you can be so you will be ready to 'Relish life with the spouse you love, each and every day'.

Rule 3:

After God put the first man, Adam, in the Garden of Eden, He said; 'It's not good for the Man to be alone; I'll make him a helper, a companion' (Gen. 2:18 TM). God chose to give Adam someone who would be compatible with his needs - we know her as Eve. This was a brilliant relationship - the way God intended them to be. They got on great with God, they walked with Him and chatted to Him every day; they had a great place to live, things to do and enjoy, scrumptious food; and they loved each other. There was no arguing - it was mint! But things went horribly wrong after they disobeyed God. Instead of doing what God said, 'You can eat from any tree in the garden, except from the Tree-of-Knowledge-of-Good-and-Evil. Don't eat from it' (Gen. 2:16), they chose to believe the snake "You won't die ... You'll be just like God, (Gen. 3:4) As a result of leaving God out of their relationship - everything went to pot. 'So GOD expelled them from the Garden of Eden and sent them to work the ground' (Gen. 3:23).

The same is true for us today. When we leave God out of our relationships, they become difficult and confusing and we end up hurting each other. Don't make the same mistakes as Adam and Eve; remember God wants you to include Him in everything.

Rule 4:

Now if you're single and not wanting to be, talking about relationships and marriage can totally 'do your head in'. It's easy to run out of patience, thinking God doesn't understand, that He's ignoring you or not giving you who you need. If we've been asking for His help and nothing's happened, it can leave us feeling unfairly treated and we can stop trusting God, thinking He doesn't care about us. The thing is, when we try to get ahead of God we end up with regrets - we make mistakes that can be devastating, heartbreaking.

Before you were born, God knew you: 'You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!' (Psalm 139: 13-14 NLT). God gave you certain traits and abilities that make you unique. He knows exactly who you would need to help fulfil His purposes and develop the gifts He's given you. Until that happens, remember: He is your spiritual partner! He's been caring for you all along: protecting you, providing for you and directing your steps. He's not going to stop now.

Stop wrestling with your singleness and use this time to develop your relationship with God. Ruth in the Bible kept on trusting in God, no matter how difficult life got. There's a whole book named after her, so read her story - be encouraged discovering how God brought a husband to her in the most extraordinary and seemingly impossible of circumstances.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A call to become Christ like men…

Disclaimer: I am writing this series for the male audience. If you are female and have not read any book on the male psychology then I discourage you to continue. The reason is that in this series and the series to come there will be lots of open ended questions. Apologies in advance.

Instructions: Read this series with fresh perspectives as if this is your first time reading on such topic. Try not to rationalize with any prior knowledge or book that you have read. Take a 30 second pause, and say a short prayer,” Christ, teach me, I am listening”.

Series I

Monday, January 18, 2010

Prayers offered by pro-LIFE people

The Second largest abortion clinic in the world is being built at this present moment in Houston, Texas. This six-story Planned Parenthood abortion “super center” is within a mile from my campus.

We had a gathering of the pro-LIFE people of Houston, Texas, and America yesterday (Sunday night, January 17th, 2010) at Grace Community Church. It was five hours of prayer meeting for spiritual awakening and justice. I had an opportunity to be a part of this awakening.

I am so thankful to my pastor who canceled the church service and encouraged us to attend this prayer meeting.

As soon as I stepped inside the worship center, I sensed the presence of God. Presence of God is something that cannot be faked. Nobody can summon God.

Psalms 22 says “But you are holy, O you that inhabit the praises of Israel”. For the first forty five minutes of the prayer meeting people just sang “Holy, Holy. You are God almighty”. It reminded me of Revelation 4:8, “…Day and night they never stop saying: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come."

I have always admired the power of prayer. It seems so simple and yet it is the strongest weapon we have. It seems so boring and yet we are instructed to pray continually, 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

The prayer meeting was very creative. I was expecting them to pray something like this, “Oh God, we pray that you frustrate the plans of the enemy and destroy the work of the devil. Amen”. But the prayer meeting included a time, where many young girls came to the stage and repented on behalf of the many young girls who have aborted their children. Not a single eye in the church remained dry.

Then there was a time for guys to repent from the addiction of pornography. It is amazing how genuine prayer meeting goes beyond superficiality. As the Holy Spirit was bringing conviction, there were several men who came forth and repented. By this time God’s grace and kindness had filled the whole church. His kindness leading people to repentance and His grace offering justification. There were a variety of ways in which people were praying. There were people who were wailing, groaning, some were lying prostrate on the ground, some were kneeling, some were raising their hands while some people couldn’t stop crying. In the prayer meeting I sensed the uniqueness in which God has created each one of.

Then we prayed for churches all across US to have a burden for adoption. Adoption is an alternative to abortion. There were several people who came forward and testified to how they have adopted children from girls who would have otherwise gone for abortion. During the prayer meeting many people made commitment to adopt children. Sometimes we are the answer to our own prayer. Statistically 1.3 million babies are murdered every year because of abortion. I realized the growing need of adoption in our society.

Lastly we prayed for the staffs who work in the abortion clinics. There was no condemnation in our prayers instead we prayed blessings over them. We prayed that God would move in their lives.

I learned yet again, that prayer is not fundamentally about getting answers; rather it is the transformation that it brings to my life.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Urbana 2009 Testimony

I went to Urbana with lots of expectations. Much to my surprise the first thing that I heard from the speaker was, “To let go of your expectations or lack of expectations”. Each day of the conference was packed with bible studies, seminars, sessions and prayer meetings. It was overwhelming as each activity was so enriching and there was so much to learn.
The conference was a glimpse of heaven with God’s presence so eminent. From morning 7 am till night 11:30 pm I was surrounded by thousands of students who were genuinely seeking God and worshipping Him. The theme of the conference was, “The word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.” John 1:14. I gained new perspectives towards this bible verse as I discovered anew what it means for Jesus to dwell among us. Jesus being incarnated and dwelling in my neighborhood. Initially it was difficult to imagine the incarnated Jesus dwelling in my neighborhood. My neighborhood which seems so secular and graceless. God’s love and His calling in my life broke the dichotomy between sacred and secular. It helped me to find my special dwelling place in God’s global purposes.
“The incarnated Christ didn’t bring truth to us in philosophy but in person” was a resonating statement made by one of the speakers. I am challenged to use Christ’s incarnation model to reach out to my friends rather than any business model.
I was reassured that God can use me where ever I am. I have learned not to despise any practical training as God can use any experience that I have had and use it if I cooperate. I have made a commitment to Jesus to allow Him to work through me “now”.
At the conference I was also challenged in my prayer life. I have come to a new understanding on how to pray and “The dignity of causality” (quoted by speaker) that it provides. I learned that prayer is not fundamentally about getting answers; rather it is the transformation that it brings to my life.
I confronted the truth that sharing Jesus with my college friends is the most significant and important thing that I can ever do.
I am broken but I still have my testimony. I have said "yes" to Jesus, “yes” to use me and to make His dwelling in my neighborhood.